Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
A Study of Black Officer Candidate Attrition in the United States Air Force, Rodney D. Carroll and Philbert A. Cole Jr.
Using Database Technology to Support Domain-Oriented Application Composition Systems, Danny A. Cecil and Joseph A. Fullenkamp
Plan for Implementation of Total Quality Management in the Republic of China Air Force, Meng-Chun Chao
Three Dimensional Object Recognition Using a Complex Autoregressive Model, David E. Chelen
Developing Prediction Regions for a Time Series Model for Hurricane Forecasting, William Cheman
Development and Implementation of a Scramjet Cycle Analysis Code with a Finite-Rate-Chemistry Combustion Model for Use on a Personal Computer, Clarence F. Chenault
Satellite Attitude Determination Using Linear Combination of Models, Martin S. Chin
Numerical Analysis of the Motion of a Rigid Body with an Attached Spring-Mass-Damper, Anne E. Chinnery
Object-Oriented Database Access from Ada, Li Chou
Design and Construction of the Aerobot Robotic Manipulator (ARM), William L. Cochran
Software Cost Estimating Models: A Comparative Study of What the Models Estimate, George A. Coggins and Roy C. Russell
Information Requirements for the Air Force Institute of Technology Under a Fee-For-Service Concept, Jerry A. Cole and Patricia C. Cruz
Luminescence Study of Ion-Implanted and MBE-Grown Er-Doped GaAs and AlxGa1-xAs, Jose E. Colon
Local Area Network Implementation at the 4950th Test Wing: A Study of the Relationship between Individual Factors and the Effectiveness of a Local Area Network, Doyle F. Cone and David J. Donahoo
A New Goodness-of-Fit Test for the Weibull Distribution Based on Spacings, Mark C. Coppa
The Impact of Goal Setting and Empowerment on Governmental Matrix Organizations, Stephen R. Corey and Patricea W. Hogan
Empowerment: Dimensions and Strategies in the U.S Air Force, Karen M. Corrente and Adelaida Lopez
Developing a Sophisticated User Interface to Support Domain-Oriented Application Composition and Generation Systems, Jay A. Cossentine
Off-Design Performance of Crenulated Blades in a Linear Compressor Cascade, Michael J. Costello
A Refinement of Risk Analysis Procedures for Trichloroethylene Through the Use of Monte Carlo Method in Conjunction with Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling, William J. Cronin IV and Eric J. Oswald
On the Automation of Object-Oriented Requirements Analysis, Nancy L. Crowley
An Investigation of Alternative Metamodels for the Theater Simulation of Airbase Resources Model, Alistair G. Dally
Design of a Hardware Discrete Event Simulation Coprocessor, David W. Daniel
A Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics Unstructured Grid Generator, Deborah E. Davis
The Effect of Cutout Dimensionality on the Collapse Characteristics of Cylindrical Composite Shells of Varying Thickness, John C. Del Barga