Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
The Effects of Environment on the Interlaminar Shear Performance of an Oxide/Oxide Ceramic Matrix Composite at Elevated Temperature, Patrick D. Laffey
Contract Delays: The Impact of Department of Defense (DoD) Contractors' Wealth, Jacqueline M. Leskowich
High Temperature Degradation of 5250-4 Polymer Resin, Patrick E. Link
Distributed Fault-Tolerant Quality of Service Routing in Hybrid Directional Wireless Networks, Larry C. Llewellyn II
Investigation of Radio Frequency Discharges and Langmuir Probe Diagnostic Methods in a Fast Flowing Electronegative Background Gas, Nathaniel P. Lockwood
Mapping Change Management: A Co-citation Analysis, Brian R. Low
Triangulating Social Capital Measurement for Turnover Research: Applications to the U.S. Military, Frederic W. Lunas
Use of Tabu Search in a Solver to Map Complex Networks onto Emulab Testbeds, Jason E. MacDonald
Surrogate Strategies for Computationally Expensive Optimization Problems with CPU-Time Correlated Functions, Raymond Magallanez Jr.
Decision Analysis with Value Focused Thinking as a Methodology to Select Building for Deconstruction, Erika E. Maiorano
Point Spread Function Characterization of a Radially Displaced Scatterer Using Circular Synthetic Aperture Radar, Uttam K. Majumder
Energy-Efficient Querying of Wireless Sensor Networks, Christopher R. Mann
Wide Area Search and Engagement Simulation Validation, Michael J. Marlin
A Comparative Assessment of the Knowledge Management Leadership Approaches within the Department of Defense, Tommy V.S. Marshall II
Radar System Characterization Extended to Hardware in the Loop Simulation for the Lab-Volt™ Training System, Oscar C. Mayhew
Commercial Firm Training Practices versus Aerial Port Hazardous Cargo Frustration, Jill L. Maynard
A Decision Model for Selecting Energy Efficient Technologies for Low -Sloping Roof Tops Using Value-Focused Thinking, Michael J. McCourt
Work-Home Conflict: A Study of the Impact of Role Conflict on U.S. Air Force Company Grade Officer Turnover Intentions, Gavain M. McDonald
Filtered Rayleigh Scattering Measurements in a Bouyant Flowfield, Christopher C. McGaha
Demonstration of Clean Particle Seeding for Particle Image Velocimetry in a Closed Circuit supersonic Wind Tunnel, Charles M. McNiel
Hardware Virtualization Applied to Rootkit Defense, Douglas P. Medley
Damage Considerations of a Flexible Micro Air Vehicle Wing Using 3-D Laser Vibrometry, Leo L. Mendoza Jr.
Determining Logistics Ground Support Manpower Requirements for a Reusable Military Launch Vehicle, Sydney C. Michalski
Conceptual MEMS Devices for a Redeployable Antenna, Virginia Miller
Final Development, Testing, and Flight Preparation of the Rigidizable Get-Away-Special Experiment (RIGEX), Zachary R. Miller