Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Process Time Refinement for Reusable Launch Vehicle Regeneration Modeling, Joseph A. Servidio
Understanding the Emergence of Disruptive Innovation in the Air Force Science and Technology Organizations, David E. Shahady
Hall Thruster Plume Diagnostics Utilizing Microwave Interferometry, Vipul Sharma
Collision Avoidance for UAVs Using Optic Flow Measurement with Line of Sight Rate Equalization and Looming, Paul J. Shelnutt
Hardware Algorithm Implementation for Mission Specific Processing, Jason W. Shirley
Sub-circuit Selection and Replacement Algorithms Modeled as Term Rewriting Systems, Eric D. Simonaire
Operationalizing Offensive Social Engineering for the Air Force, Bryan E. Skarda
Estimation of the Number of Microbial Species Comprising a Population, Melanie R. Slattery
Hyperspectral-Augmented Target Tracking, Neil A. Soliman
An Analysis of Methodologies & Best Practices for Rapidly Acquiring Technologies to Meet Urgent Warfighter Needs, Charles D. Solomon
Selecting the Best Thermal Building Insulation Using a Multi-Attribute Decision Model, Theodore J. Sotoropolis
Scramjet Fuel Injection Array Optimization Utilizing Mixed Variable Pattern Search with Kriging Surrogates, Bryan Sparkman
Handling Qualities Evaluation of a Supersonic Tailless Air Vehicle, Steven W. Speares
Microfluidic Power Generation, Aaron J. Sprecher
Modeling of SBS Phase Conjugation in Multimode Step Index Fibers, Justin B. Spring
A Survey of Satellite Communications System Vulnerabilities, Jessica A. Steinberger
Optimal Control of Electrodynamic Tethers, Robert E. Stevens
Nondestructive Evaluation of Aircraft Composites Using Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy, Christopher D. Stoik
Developing an Excel Decision Support System Using In-Transit Visibility to Decrease DoD Transportation Delays, Brian B. Stone
Anti-Tamper Method for Field Programmable Gate Arrays Through Dynamic Reconfiguration and Decoy Circuits, Samuel J. Stone
Governance Structure Transforemation during ERP Implementations, Elise V. Strachan
Design of an Oxygen Turbopump for a Dual Expander Cycle Rocket Engine, William S. Strain
Optimal Adoption of Green Roofs: Hydrology and Public Finance Applications, Luke D. Stumme
Biomimetic Micro Air Vehicle Testing Development and Small Scale Flapping-Wing Analysis, Craig E. Svanberg
Applying Frequency-Domain Equalization to Code-Division Multiple Access and Transform-Domain Communications Systems, Alfred A. Tamayo III