"Cyber Flag: A Realistic Cyberspace Training Construct" by Andrew P. Hansen

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Paul D. Williams, PhD.


As is well understood, the rapidly unfolding challenges of cyberspace is a fundamental warfare paradigm shift revolutionizing the way future wars will be fought and won. A significant test for the Air Force (indeed any organization with a credible presence in cyberspace) will be providing a realistic training environment that fully meets this challenge. Why create another Flag level exercise? Realistic training (that which is effective, comprehensive and coordinated) is crucial to success in time of war. Red Flag provides dominant training within the air domain and now with the evolution of cyberspace, a comprehensive training environment is necessary to meet this growing and broadening threat. This Thesis builds on the Red Flag tactical training exercise in order to define a future environment that combines the air, space and cyberspace domains with specific emphasis on cyberspace capabilities and threats. Red Flag has and continues to be a great tactical training exercise; Cyber Flag would use the best practices of Red Flag (and other realistic training venues) to define a future training environment for the cyberspace domain. There is no better training than the hands-on realism associated with participation in an exercise such as Red Flag. Secretary Michael W. Wynne has a vision for dominant operations in cyberspace "comparable to the Air Force's global, strategic omnipresence in air and space." This bold vision requires a combination of joint coordination, skilled forces and a realistic training environment to bring them all together; Cyber Flag is the suggested vehicle for accomplishing this.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

