Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Developing a Qualia-Based Multi-Agent Architecture for Use in Malware Detection, Bobby D. Birrer
Verification of KAM Theory on Earth Orbiting Satellites, Christian L. Bisher
A Linear Programming Approach for Determining Travel Cost Minimizing ECSS Training Locations, Jason S. Boerboom
Design Analysis of a Sapce Based Chromotomographic Hyperspectral Imaging Experiment, Todd A. Book
Orbital Tori Construction Using Trajectory Following Spectral Methods, Ralph E. Bordner III
Reputation-Based Trust for a Cooperative, Agent-Based Backup Protection Scheme for Power Networks, John F. Borowski
Experiments with Geometric Non-Linear Coupling for Analytical Validation, Jonathan D. Boston
Numerical Investigation of Statistical Turbulence Effects on Beam Propagation through 2-D Shear Mixing Layer, James C. Bowers
Thermal Neutron Point Source Imaging using a Rotating Modulation Collimator (RMC), Nathan O. Boyce
Frequency Diverse Array Radar: Signal Characterization and Measurement Accuracy, Steven H. Brady
Estimating Characteristics of a Maneuvering Reentry Vehicle Observed by Multiple Sensors, Evan M. Brooks
Architectural Considerations for Single Operator Management of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Gabriel T. Bugajski
Calculation of Collisional Cross Sections for the ²P3/2 > ²P1/2 Transition in Alkali-Noble Gas Systems, Samuel D. Butler
Static and Dynamic Component Obfuscation on Reconfigurable Devices, Camdon R. Cady
Stealthy River Navigation in Jungle Combat Conditions, Fabio Ayres Cardoso
Assessing the Economic and Environmental Impacts associated with Current Street Lighting Technologies, Carlos J. Colon Jr.
Improving the Quality of Service and Security of Military Networks with a Network Tasking Order Process, Matthew D. Compton
High Volume Air Sampling for Viral Aerosols: A Comparative Approach, Casey W. Cooper
Screening and Sufficiency in Multiobjective Decision Problems with Large Alternative Sets, Michael D. Cote
Changes to Electrical Conductivity in Irradiated Carbon-Nickel Nanocomposites, David F. Coy
Defining the Technology Transition Manager within the Acquisition Framework of the Department of Defense, Ernest Csoma
The Combined Effects of Radio Frequency and Gamma Irradiation on P-Channel MOSFETs, Joshua D. Daniel
Time Dependent Channel Packet Calculation of Two Nucleon Scattering Matrix Elements, Brian S. Davis
Personality Measures as Predictors of Long-Term Employment in Air Force Officers, Levi N. Davis