Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Rapid Development: A Content Analysis Comparison of Literature and Purposive Sampling of AFRL Rapid Reaction Projects, Andrew R. Smith
Source Normalization Constants for Ground Distributed Fallout Fields, Justin M. Smith
Branch Point Mitigation of Thermal Blooming Phase Compensation Instability, Mark F. Spencer
Determining the Value of Future Information, James J. Springston
Effect of Storm Enhanced Densities on Geo-Location Accuracy Over CONUS, Lindon H. Steadman
Improving the Efficiency of Photon Collection by Compton Rescue, Alexander W. Stevenson
Characterization and Discrimination of Large Caliber Gun Blast and Flash Signatures, Bryan J. Steward
Android Protection System: A Signed Code Security Mechanism for Smartphone Applications, Jonathan D. Stueckle
Nonintrusive Microwave Diagnostics of Collisional Plasmas in Hall Thrusters and Dielectric Barrier Discharges, Joshua A. Stults
Improved Collision Modeling for Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Methods, Sarah E. Summers
Risks Associated with Federal Construction Projects, Krishna R. Surajbally
Empirical Characterization of Ballistic Impact Flash, Thomas P. Talafuse
Integrated Approach to Free Space Optical Communications in Strong Turbulence, Jason A. Tellez
Bistatic 3D Electromagnetic Scattering from a Right-Angle Dihedral at Arbitrary Orientation and Position, Andreas Z. Tempelis
Neutron Detection Using Gadolinium-Based Diodes, Benjamin R. Thomas
Migration Issues in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Michael J. Thompson
Biological investigation of the stimulated flapping motions of the moth, Manduca sexta, Travis B. Tubbs
Perimeter Security and Intruder Detection Using Gravity Gradiometry: A Feasibility Study, Jared D. Tuinstra
Fusion Schemes for Ensembles of Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Algorithms, Brooks R. Turnquist
Passive Ranging of Dynamic Rocket Plumes using Infrared and Visible Oxygen Attenuation, Robert Anthony Vincent
Detecting Man-in-the-Middle Attacks against Transport Layer Security Connections with Timing Analysis, Lauren M. Wagoner
Positron Annihilation Ratio Spectroscopy Study of Electric Fields Applied to Positronium at Material Interfaces, Ariella C. Walker
Using a Gatling-Gun Configured Micro Pulsed Plasma Thruster as a Means to Control Micro Satellites with Extreme Precision, Lee I. Watson
Kernelized Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Fast Image Landmark Association, Mark A. Weems