"Estimating Test Range Capacity" by Paul A. McDaniel

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

John J. Borsi, PhD


The main focus of this thesis effort was to develop a means to estimate the capacity of the test range complex at Eglin AFB, Florida. For the purposes of this study, test range capacity was defined as the maximum number of missions, of a given set, that could possibly be supported by range resources on any given day. In trying to determine this number, the complexities of the overall multi-resource constrained scheduling problem dictated a more practical approach be taken in modeling the allocation process of range resources to test missions. Therefore, a series of three single-resource, 0-1 integer programming models depicting the allocation of Test Wing aircraft, radars, and range area resources were developed to produce an upper bound estimate of the range capacity for a given set of missions. In actual testing, the Range Area Allocation Model produced some poor results and therefore, cannot be used in its present form. However, both the Aircraft and Radar Models appear to produce legitimate upper bounds on range capacity in all cases. Nevertheless, to insure the goodness of these two models further testing is recommended. In addition, a single model depicting the allocation of these two resources and possibly several others, should be developed in order to better estimate range capacity.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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