"Business Process Improvement Applied to Written Temporary Duty Travel " by Philip W. McDowell and David W. Morgan

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


This study analyzed the process currently endemic to the activity of producing written TDY orders. Business Process Improvement BPI methodology using IDEF ICAM Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing Definition and Activity Based Costing methods were used for this study. The objectives of the written TDY order activity were determined as identifying the travelers and verifying authenticity of the travel requirement and subsequent entitlements. Processing the TDY information, generating the TDY order, and processing the TDY order showed activities that add no value or limited value for either the traveler or the government. The activity costs incurred to produce a written TDY order average approximately 35.63. A literature review revealed large civilian enterprises do not typically pre authorize travel in writing. This limited the ability of the study to benchmark the current process against civilian industry. The BPI methodology was not completed due to the five-month time allotted for this study. However, preliminary data demonstrates improvements can be obtained by applying a BPI methodology. Specifically, activities identified for possible elimination could save 11.68 of the 35.63 activity cost to produce one written TDY order.

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Co-authored thesis.

The authors' Vita pages are omitted.

Presented to the Faculty of the School of Logistics and Acquisition Management of the Air Force Institute of Technology.
