Most Recent Additions*
Approaches to Improve Preprocessing for Latent Dirichlet Allocation Topic Modeling
Jamie Zimmermann, Lance E. Champagne, John M. Dickens, and Benjamin T. Hazen
Leveraging large language models for word sense disambiguation
Jung H. Yae, Nolan C. Skelly, Neil C. Ranly, and Phillip M. LaCasse
Machine Visual Perception from Sim-to-real Transfer Learning for Autonomous Docking Maneuvers
Derek Worth, Jeffrey Choate, Ryan M. Raettig, Scott L. Nykl, and Clark N. Taylor
Decomposing a Renewable Energy Design and Dispatch Model
Jesse Wales, Alexander Zolan, Tülay Flamand, and Alexandra Newman
Statistical reliability estimation of space launch vehicles: 2000–2022
Brooke N. Wagenblast and Robert A. Bettinger
Shadow Imagery Initial Field Testing Progress
Douglas B. Ruyle, David H. Curtis, and Peter N. McMahon-Crabtree
Sun-Earth debris study, Part 2: Preliminary investigation of debris-induced spacecraft survivability risks near the Sun-Earth collinear Lagrange points
Nicholas S. Reid and Robert A. Bettinger
Image correction and wavefront sensing with a digital holographic sensor using implicit neural representations
Casey J. Pellizzari, Tyler Hardy, and Mark F. Spencer
Sun-Earth debris study, part 1: Preliminary investigation of debris propagation dynamics near the Sun-Earth collinear Lagrange points
Nicholas S. Reid and Robert A. Bettinger
Comprehensive study of d + 6Li via observing simultaneous outgoing neutrons, 𝛾 rays, and charged particles
S. N. Paneru, H. Y. Lee, C. Prokop, S. A. Kuvin, C. Fichtl, P. Gastis, G. M. Hale, E. Leal-Cidoncha, M. Mosby, M. Paris, Michael T. Febbraro, T. T. King, J. Nattress, T. J. Ruland, R. J. deBoer, E. Stech, T. Bailey, C. Boomershine, S. Carmichael, A. Clark, R. Fang, J. Gorres, R. Kelmar, K. Lee, K. Manukyan, M. Matney, J. McDonaugh, A. Miller, A. Nelson, P. O'Malley, D. Robertson, _ Shahina, W.. Tan, W. W. von Seeger, M. Wiescher, and A. Roberts
Scintillation-induced centroid jitter: Analytical solutions
Eric W. Mitchell, Derek J. Burrell, Milo W. Hyde, Ronald G. Driggers, and Mark F. Spencer
Simulating autonomous drone behaviors in an anti-access area denial (A2AD) environment
Alexander L. Martinez, Lance E. Champagne, and Phillip M. LaCasse
Identification and analysis of interior and exterior resonant orbits in the Sun–Venus system
Tyler J. Kapolka and Robert A. Bettinger
Probability of Detection for Dependent Observations: The Repeated Measures Method
Christine E. Knott, Christine M. Schubert Kabban, and Eric A. Lindgren
Innovation Challenges in the Air Force SBIR Program: From the Small Businesses’ Perspective
Hart J. Holt, Amy M. Cox, Scott Drylie, David S. Long, Alfred E. Thal Jr., and R. David Fass
Building credibility for human systems integration in model‐based systems engineering
Rachel A. Heffner and Michael E. Miller
Deep turbulence sensing using digital holography
Tyler J. Hardy, Maya G. Mandyam, Cleveland G. Armentrout, Robert L. Lloyd, Nathanial C. George, Mark F. Spencer, and Casey J. Pellizzari
Improved Methods for Distribution Identification and Regression Parameter Estimation in a Satellite Reliability Application. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 1–13
Travis M. Grile, Christine M. Schubert, and Robert A. Bettinger
Understanding the influence of cloud-based information and communication technology on supply chain resilience. Benchmarking: An International Journal
Cigdem Gonul Kochan, David Nowicki, and Aaron V. Glassburner
A Superposition Technique for Predicting Overall Effectiveness With Multiple Sources of Individually Characterized Internal and External Coolant Flows
Matthew N. Fuqua and James L. Rutledge
*Updated as of 01/14/25.