"Multi-port Beam Combination and Cleanup in Large Multimode Fiber Using" by Brian M. Flusche, Thomas G. Alley et al. 10.1364/OE.14.011748">

Multi-port Beam Combination and Cleanup in Large Multimode Fiber Using Stimulated Raman Scattering

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We demonstrated the successful combination and cleanup of four laser beams via stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) using a multi-port fiber combiner and a large multimode fiber. Multiple Stokes orders were observed in the output, but loss at longer wavelengths reduced the transmission of the higher Stokes orders and limited the SRS conversion efficiency. SRS beam cleanup was also investigated using a single laser beam. The output beam had a measured M 2 better than 2 for fiber lengths from 400–1400 meters.


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Optics Express
