
Pulsed Laser Source Digital Holography Efficiency Measurements

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In this paper, a 1064 nm pulsed laser source and a short-wave IR (SWIR) camera are used to measure the total system efficiency associated with a digital holography system in the off-axis image plane recording geometry. At a zero path-length difference between the signal and reference pulses, the measured total system efficiency (15.9%) is consistent with that previously obtained with a 532 nm continuous-wave laser source and a visible camera [Appl. Opt. 58, G19 (2019)]. In addition, as a function of the temporal delay between the signal and reference pulses, the total system efficiency is accurately characterized by a component efficiency, which is formulated from the ambiguity function. Even with multimode behavior from the pulsed laser source and substantial dark current noise from the SWIR camera, the system performance is accurately characterized by the resulting ambiguity efficiency.
Abstract © Optica


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Applied Optics
