Mutually Unbiased Equiangular Tight Frames

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An equiangular tight frame (ETF) yields a type of optimal packing of lines in a Euclidean space. ETFs seem to be rare, and all known infinite families of them arise from some type of combinatorial design. In this paper, we introduce a new method for constructing ETFs. We begin by showing that it is sometimes possible to construct multiple ETFs for the same space that are "mutually unbiased" in a way that is analogous to the quantum-information-theoretic concept of mutually unbiased bases. We then show that taking certain tensor products of these mutually unbiased ETFs with other ETFs sometimes yields infinite families of new complex ETFs.


The "Link to Full Text" on this page will open or load the arXiv e-print version as hosted at the arXiv repository. arXiv:2001.02055

The version of record (published version) is available from IEEE, and is cited below.



Source Publication

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
