"Achieving the Shot-noise Limit Using Experimental Multi-shot Digital H" by Douglas E. Thornton, Cameron J. Radosevich et al. 10.1364/OE.418948">

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In this paper, we achieve the shot-noise limit using straightforward image-post-processing techniques with experimental multi-shot digital holography data (i.e., off-axis data composed of multiple noise and speckle realizations). First, we quantify the effects of frame subtraction (of the mean reference-only frame and the mean signal-only frame from the digital-hologram frames), which boosts the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the baseline dataset with a gain of 2.4 dB. Next, we quantify the effects of frame averaging, both with and without the frame subtraction. We show that even though the frame averaging boosts the SNR by itself, the frame subtraction and the stability of the digital-hologram fringes are necessary to achieve the shot-noise limit. Overall, we boost the SNR of the baseline dataset with a gain of 8.1 dB, which is the gain needed to achieve the shot-noise limit. Abstract © OSA.


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Optics Express

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