"Spin-Orbit Relaxation of Cesium 7 <sup>2</sup>D in Mixtures of Helium " by Ricardo C. Davila and Glen P. Perram 10.1103/PhysRevA.93.033418">

Spin-Orbit Relaxation of Cesium 7 2D in Mixtures of Helium and Argon

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Pulsed excitation on the two-photon Cs 62S1/2 -> 72D3/2,5/2 transition results in time-resolved fluorescence at 697 and 672 nm. The rates for fine-structure mixing between the 72D3/2,5/2 states have been measured for helium and argon rare-gas collision partners. The mixing rates are very fast, 1.26±0.05×10−9 cm3/atom s for He and 1.52±0.05×10−10 cm3/atom s for Ar, driven by the small energy splitting and large radial distribution for the valence electron. The quenching rates are considerably slower, 6.84±0.09×10−11 and 2.65±0.04×10−11 cm3/atom s for He and Ar, respectively. The current results are placed in context with similar rates for other alkali-metal–rare-gas collision pairs using adiabaticity arguments.


Plain-text title: Spin-Orbit Relaxation of Cesium 7 2D in Mixtures of Helium and Argon

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