"A Geometrical Optics Polarimetric Bidirectional Reflectance Distributi" by Milo W. Hyde IV, Jason D. Schmidt et al. 10.1364/OE.17.022138">

A Geometrical Optics Polarimetric Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function for Dielectric and Metallic Surfaces

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A polarimetric bidirectional reflectance distribution function (pBRDF), based on geometrical optics, is presented. The pBRDF incorporates a visibility (shadowing/masking) function and a Lambertian (diffuse) component which distinguishes it from other geometrical optics pBRDFs in literature. It is shown that these additions keep the pBRDF bounded (and thus a more realistic physical model) as the angle of incidence or observation approaches grazing and better able to model the behavior of light scattered from rough, reflective surfaces. In this paper, the theoretical development of the pBRDF is shown and discussed. Simulation results of a rough, perfect reflecting surface obtained using an exact, electromagnetic solution and experimental Mueller matrix results of two, rough metallic samples are presented to validate the pBRDF. Abstract © OSA.


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Optics Express
