Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal-Implanted Zno Nanotips Grown On Sapphire and Quartz
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ZnO nanotips, grown on c-Al2O3 and quartz, were implanted variously with 200 keV Fe or Mn ions to a dose level of 5×1016cm−2. The magnetic properties of these samples were measured using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer. Fe-implanted ZnO nanotips grown on c-Al2O3 showed a coercive field width of 209 Oe and a remanent field of 12% of the saturation magnetization (2.3×10−5emu) at 300K for a sample annealed at 700°C for 20 minutes. The field-cooled and the zero-field-cooled magnetization measurements also showed evidence of ferromagnetism in this sample with an estimated Curie temperature of around 350 K. The Mn-implanted ZnO nanotips grown on c-Al2O3 showed superparamagnetism resulting from the dominance of a spin-glass phase. The ZnO nanotips grown on quartz and implanted with Fe or Mn showed signs of ferromagnetism, but neither was consistent.
Source Publication
Journal of Magnetics (ISSN 1226-1750)
Recommended Citation
Raley, J. A., Yeo, Y.-K., Hengehold, R. L., Ryu, M.-Y., Lu, Y., & Wu, P. (2008). Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal-implanted ZnO Nanotips Grown on Sapphire and Quartz. Journal of Magnetics, 13(1), 19–22.
© 2008 Journal of Magnetics
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