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Singly ionized oxygen vacancies are produced in LiAlO2 crystals by direct displacement events during a neutron irradiation. These vacancies, with one trapped electron, are referred to as V+O centers. They are identified and characterized using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and optical absorption. The EPR spectrum from the V+O centers is best monitored near 100 K with low microwave power. When the magnetic field is along the [001] direction, this spectrum has a g value of 2.0030 and well-resolved hyperfine interactions of 310 and 240 MHz with the two 27Al nuclei that are adjacent to the oxygen vacancy. A second EPR spectrum, also showing hyperfine interactions with two 27Al nuclei, is attributed to a metastable state of the V+O center. An optical absorption band peaking near 238 nm is assigned to V+O centers. Bleaching light from a Hg lamp converts a portion of the V+O centers to V0O centers (these latter centers are oxygen vacancies with two trapped electrons). The V0O centers have an absorption band peaking near 272 nm, a photoluminescence band peaking near 416 nm, and a photoluminescence excitation band peaking near 277 nm. Besides the oxygen-vacancy EPR spectra, a holelike spectrum with a resolved, but smaller, hyperfine interaction with one 27Al nucleus is present in LiAlO2 after the neutron irradiation. This spectrum is tentatively assigned to doubly ionized aluminum vacancies.


©2015 American Physical Society

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This article appeared in volume 92 of Phys Rev B and may be found as cited below. Sourced from the version of record at APS.



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Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics)
