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In this work we construct a Markov family of martingale solutions for 3D stochastic Navier–Stokes equations (SNSE) perturbed by Lévy noise with periodic boundary conditions. Using the Kolmogorov equations of integrodifferential type associated with the SNSE perturbed by Lévy noise, we construct a transition semigroup and establish the existence of a unique invariant measure. We also show that it is ergodic and strongly mixing.
Abstract © Wiley.


This record sources the open access CHORUS-furnished accepted manuscript (post-print) version of the article. A 12-month embargo from original online publication (December 2018) was observed for this posting in accordance with the publisher and the research funding body.

The publisher version of record is a subscription-access article, appearing as cited below in volume 292 of Mathematische Nachrichten, hosted at Wiley. Readers outside of AFIT will need to access the article through their own digital subscription to that periodical.
AFIT readers can reach the final article through AFIT Off-Campus Access.



Source Publication

Mathematische Nachrichten
