Rogue Z-Wave Controllers: A Persistent Attack Channel

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Conference Proceeding

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The popularity of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is increasing in critical infrastructure, smart metering, and home automation. Of the numerous protocols available, Z-Wave has significant potential for growth in WSNs. As a proprietary protocol, there are few research publications concerning Z-Wave, and thus little is known about the security implications of its use. Z-Wave networks use a gateway controller to manage and control all devices. Vulnerabilities have been discovered in Z-Wave gateways, all of which rely on the gateway to be consistently connected to the Internet. The work herein introduces a new vulnerability that allows the injection of a rogue controller into the network. Once injected, the rogue controller maintains a stealthy, persistent communication channel with all inadequately defended devices. The severity of this type of attack warrants mitigation steps, presented herein. Abstract © IEEE.


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Source Publication

2015 IEEE 40th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)
