Dynamic Model Validation Metric Based on Wavelet Thresholded Signals

Andrew D. Atkinson
Raymond R. Hill, Air Force Institute of Technology
Joseph J. Pignatiello Jr., Air Force Institute of Technology
G. Geoffrey Vining, Virginia Tech
Edward D. White, Air Force Institute of Technology
Eric Chicken, Florida State University

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Model validation is a vital step in the simulation development process to ensure that a model is truly representative of the system that it is meant to model. One aspect of model validation that deserves special attention is when validation is required for the transient phase of a process. The transient phase may be characterized as the dynamic portion of a signal that exhibits nonstationary behavior. A specific concern associated with validating a model's transient phase is that the experimental system data are often contaminated with noise, due to the short duration and sharp variations in the data, thus hiding the underlying signal which models seek to replicate. This paper proposes a validation process that uses wavelet thresholding as an effective method for denoising the system and model data signals to properly validate the transient phase of a model. This paper utilizes wavelet thresholded signals to calculate a validation metric that incorporates shape, phase, and magnitude error. The paper compares this validation approach to an approach that uses wavelet decompositions to denoise the data signals. Finally, a simulation study and empirical data from an automobile crash study illustrates the advantages of our wavelet thresholding validation approach. Abstract © ASME.