Fragmentation Properties of Explosively Driven Additively Manufactured 15-5 ph Stainless Steel Cylinders

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Conference Proceeding

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This research characterized the fracture behavior of detonating additively manufactured cylinders and compared experimental fragment velocities with theoretical Gurney equation predictions. The additively manufactured cylinders’ interlayer bonding successfully endured explosive loadings, but reduced material ductility caused by processing-related defects decreased casing expansion performance.


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AIAA issued an editorial correction after this paper, to list all attributed authors. The PDF of the conference paper only lists three authors.

Alternative title in AIAA Aerospace Research Central (ARC): "Fragmentation Properties of Explosively Driven Additively Manufactured Metals"


10.2514/6.2019-0776 ; 10.2514/6.2019-0776.c1

Source Publication

AIAA SciTech Forum 2019
