Three-Dimensional Electron-Positron Momentum Distribution of O3+-Irradiated 6H Sic Using Two Positron Spectroscopy Techniques Simultaneously

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A three-dimensional (3D) positron annihilation spectroscopy system (3DPASS) capable of determining 3D electron-positron (e-e+ ) momentum densities from measurements of deviations from co-linearity and energies of photons from e-e+ annihilation events was employed to examine the effects of O-atom defects in 6H SiC. Three-dimensional momentum datasets were determined for 6H SiC irradiated with 24 MeV O3+ ions. Angular correlation of annihilation radiation (ACAR) and coincidence Doppler-broadening of annihilation radiation (CDBAR) analyses are presented. In addition, a novel technique is illustrated for analyzing 3D momentum datasets in which the parallel momentum component, p|| (obtained from the CDBAR measurement) is selected for annihilation events that possess a particular perpendicular momentum component, p- observed in the 2D ACAR spectrum.
Abstract © IOP


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From a paper presented at: 12th International Workshop on Slow Positron Beam Techniques (SLOPOS12) 1–6 August 2010, Magnetic Island, North Queensland, Australia



Source Publication

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
