Construction of E(s2)-Optimal Supersaturated Designs

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Booth and Cox proposed the E(s^2) criterion for constructing two-level supersaturated designs. Nguyen [Technometrics 38 (1996) 69-73] and Tang and Wu [Canad. J. Statist 25 (1997) 191-201] independently derived a lower bound for E(s^2). This lower bound can be achieved only when m is a multiple of N-1, where m is the number of factors and N is the run size. We present a method that uses difference families to construct designs that satisfy this lower bound. We also derive better lower bounds for the case where the Nguyen-Tang-Wu bound is not achievable. Our bounds cover more cases than a bound recently obtained by Butler, Mead, Eskridge and Gilmour [J.
R. Stat. Soc. Ser. B Stat. Methodol. 63 (2001) 621-632]. New E(s^2)-optimal designs are obtained by using a computer to search for designs that achieve the improved bounds.
(Abstract from version)


Copyright © 2004 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

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Abstract from e-print version at arXiv:math/0410090v1 [math.ST].

Reviewed at MR2089137

Plain-text title: Construction of E(S2)-Optimal Supersaturated Designs



Source Publication

The Annals of Statistics
