A Test Methodology for Evaluating Cognitive Radio Systems

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The cognitive radio (CR) field currently lacks a standardized end-user test methodology that is repeatable, flexible, and effective across multiple CR architectures. Furthermore, the CR field lacks a suitable device-agnostic framework that allows testing of an integrated CR system and not solely specific components. This paper presents a CR test methodology, known as the Cognitive RAdio Test Methodology (CRATM), to address these issues. CRATM proposes to use behavior-based testing in which cognition may be measured by evaluating both primary user (PU) and secondary user (SU) (i.e., the CR under test) performance. Data on behavior-based testing are collected and evaluated. An SU pair and a PU radio pair are implemented using the Wireless Open-Access Research Platform (WARP) and the WARPLab software running in MATLAB. The PU is used to create five distinct radio-frequency environments utilizing narrow-band, wideband, and noncontiguous waveforms. The SU response to the PU created environments is measured. The SU implements a simple cognitive engine (CE) that incorporates energy-detection spectrum sensing. The effect of the CE on both SU and PU performance is measured and evaluated. Abstract © IEEE.


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Source Publication

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
