Superconducting Ring Array Pattern Modeling, Characterization, and Propagation for Microwave Through Terahertz Frequencies
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
In recent work, we have demonstrated the capability of directional beam forming in the microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum using linear superconducting ring arrays, triggered by an ultra-fast laser pulse. This paper extends these developments by presenting modeling of microwave radiation patterns covering the entire four pi steradian sphere, and outlining an experimental plan for detailed characterization of planar arrays. Experimental data is compared with the simulations conducted in this study, showing good agreement that builds confidence for further work. Planned research is presented to include array design optimizations for varying frequencies into the THz region. Additional research will include experimental and computational investigation of THz propagation using previously developed laser atmospheric propagation software. If successful, the numerical models used could prove beneficial in predicting real time absorption characteristics.
Source Publication
NAECON 2024 - IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference
Recommended Citation
Lehman, N. J., Bullard, T. J., Frische, K. D., Wolfe, T. S., Haugan, T. J., Patnaik, A. K., & Dexter, M. L. (2024). Superconducting Ring Array Pattern Modeling, Characterization, and Propagation for Microwave Through Terahertz Frequencies. NAECON 2024 - IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, 247–250.
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