Lessons Learned in Human-Artificial Intelligence Teaming in Business Processes

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



There are three teams that exist in research, development and deployment of a business process focused Artificial Intelligence (AI) system. These include the customer team, AI team, and User Experience/Interface (UX/I) team. This article presents six (6) lessons team members need to learn and adopt in order to be successful: the problem that needs to be solved is not always obvious; an AI business process automation system still needs people; State of the art and user expectations need to be aligned; Adding AI-automation to a business process is more than data in and data out; be cognizant of shifting workload; and the AI-automation may have to operate as a silent partner. These lessons are discussed within the context of the research and development of a Human Resource Apprentice to assist the evaluation of resumes against the specialized experience required for the advertised position.


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© 2022 Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). All rights reserved. Published in the Proceedings of AI Engineering: Creating Scalable, Human-Centered and Robust AI Systems, AAAI SS2-22, pp.1-8, 2022.

Affiliation notes: Authors Mendenhall, Peterson and Graves co-affiliated with Autonomy Capability Team 3 (ACT3), AFRL at the time of publication. Author Graves co-affiliated with University of Dayton Research Institute (UDRI).

Source Publication

Proceedings of AI Engineering: Creating Scalable, Human-Centered and Robust AI Systems, AAAI SS2-22
