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A hybrid electric tracked ground vehicle (HETGV) can reduce military fuel usage, however a review of current tools determined they are not suitable to estimate HEGTV performance. Based on topographic data and vehicle attributes, this research developed an estimation tool by creating a model to determine tracked vehicle energy and fuel requirements, and using these requirements, created a HEGTV cost and performance optimisation for the Bradley fighting vehicle energy system. The optimised design reduced fuel consumption by 15%, and met the vehicle's peak power requirement of 365 kW, with a recommended configuration of a 135 kW generator and 100 kWh battery, and an estimated drivetrain and fuel cost of $155,000. This analysis concludes by articulating the operational and tactical impacts of increased fuel efficiency.
Source Publication
International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
Recommended Citation
McWhirter, T. E., Wagner, T. J., Stubbs, J. E., Rizzo, D. M., & Williams, J. B. (2020). Tracked vehicle physics-based energy modelling and series hybrid system optimisation for the Bradley fighting vehicle. International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, 12(1), 1.
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