
Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Computer network cyber-security is a very serious concern in many commercial, industrial, and military environments. This paper proposes a new computer network security approach defined by self organized agent swarms (SOMAS) which provides a novel computer network security management framework based upon desired overall system behaviors. The SOMAS structure evolves based upon the partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) formal model and the more complex interactive-POMDP and decentralized-POMDP models. Example swarm specific and network based behaviors are formalized and simulated. This paper illustrates through various statistical testing techniques, the significance of this proposed SOMAS architecture.


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AFIT Scholar furnishes the accepted version of this conference paper. The published version is accessible by subscription at IEEE through the DOI link on this page.

Source Publication

IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Cyber Security, 2009, pp. 2559-2566.
