"Multi-Objective Optimization of Dead-Reckoning Error Thresholds for Vi" by Jeremy R. Millar, Douglas D. Hodson et al. 10.1109/CTS.2014.6867626">

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Conference Proceeding

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Design trade-offs between state consistency and system response time are commonplace in virtual environments. Systems typically rely on predictive consistency algorithms such as dead-reckoning to control consistency and response time. Dead-reckoning error threshold selection determines the consistency/response time trade-off. We extend this trade-off space to explicitly account for the concept of system fairness. We derive a multi-objective optimization problem and apply multi-objective evolutionary algorithms to solve for Pareto optimal error thresholds. Abstract ©2014 IEEE.


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AFIT Scholar furnishes the accepted version of this conference paper. The published version of record is available from IEEE via subscription at the DOI link in the citation below.

Source Publication

2014 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS)
