Digital Forensics Educational Needs in the Miami Valley Region

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We have surveyed information technology employees in the corporate environment of the Miami Valley to gauge the interest in transitioning a graduate level digital forensics course to a community college setting. Specifically, we were interested whether a digital forensics security course at the community college level would fill a need in corporate security processes. The survey results indicate that companies and IT employees in the region have a need for and are interested in an accessible digital forensics course. Additionally, the results identify specific needs a digital forensics course can fill. Meeting these needs will then become the primary focus of the course.


AFIT Scholar furnishes the draft version of this article. The published version of record appears in Journal of Applied Security Research and is available by subscription through the DOI link in the citation below.

In accordance with publisher archiving rules found at Sherpa for this journal, the manuscript PDF is linked from the author page of Bert Peterson, AFIT faculty.

Funding: This article is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0516134.



Source Publication

Journal of Applied Security Research
