Ensuring the Security of Space Systems from Eavesdropping Attacks

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Conference Proceeding

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In a day and age where satellite communications are more important than ever to ensure global communication, establish international military power, and support our everyday way of life, satellite security must be at the forefront of innovation. However, eavesdropping attacks pose a serious threat to satellite communication systems that have not been adequately addressed. An eavesdropping attack threatens to put sensitive data in the wrong hands or even jeopardize critical missions. Research is needed to explore why defense against eavesdropping attacks is crucial, particularly for satellite systems. Three potential solutions to the problem are presented, addressing different challenges. Realistic solutions to the eavesdropping threat are needed urgently to defend the space domain from malicious threats.


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Source Publication

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Warfare and Security, 2022
