
Pulse-quality Metric for Nonstationary Partially Coherent Fields

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This paper generalizes a pulse-quality metric referred to as P2, i.e., the time analogue of Siegman’s beam quality factor M2, to include pulsed (nonstationary) random fields of any state of coherence. The analysis begins with the derivation of a general P2 relation, which we then specialize to the important cases of coherent and Schell-model pulsed beams. As examples, we derive the P2 for two stochastic sources: (1) a cosine Gaussian-correlated Schell-model pulsed beam and (2) a nonuniformly correlated pulsed beam. For both of these sources, we generate (in simulation) random instances of each and compare the simulated (Monte Carlo) P2, i.e., computed directly from its definition, to the theoretical quantity. The agreement is excellent, thereby validating our P2 analysis.


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This article appears in Volume 39 of the Journal of the Optical Society of America, as cited below.

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Journal of the Optical Society of America A
