Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Estimation and Coordination of Sequence Patterns for Frequency Hopping Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, Curtis C. Medve
Influence of Mach Number and Dynamic Pressure on Cavity Tones and Freedrop Trajectories, Justin D. Merrick
The Use of an Ultra-Compact Combustor as an Inter-Turbine Burner for Improved Engine Performance, Jose L. Miranda
Conceptual Modeling of a Quantum Key Distribution Simulation Framework Using the Discrete Event System Specification, Jeffrey D. Morris
An Investigation into the Challenges of Joint Basing, Charles H. Morton
Characterizing and Optimizing the Performance of the MAESTRO 49-core Processor, Eric W. Mote
Large Scale Hierarchical K-Means Based Image Retrieval With MapReduce, William E. Murphy
Outperforming Game Theoretic Play with Opponent Modeling in Two Player Dominoes, Michael M. Myers
Feasibility of Onboard Processing of Heuristic Path Planning and Navigation Algorithms within SUAS Autopilot Computational Constraints, Charles J. Neal
About Phase: Synthetic Aperture Radar and the Phase Retrieval Problem, Aaron A. Nelson
Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Photoacoustic (PA) Detector of Terahertz (THz) Radiation for Chemical Sensing, Richard A. Newberry
Characterizing and Managing Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Alerts with Multi-Server/Multi-Priority Queuing Theory, Christopher C. Olsen
A Comparison of Afghanistan, Yuma, AZ, and Manufactured Sands Melted on EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coatings, Nathaniel P. Opie
Electrical Characterization of Spherical Copper Oxide Memristive Array Sensors, James P. Orta
Improving Non-Linear Approaches to Anomaly Detection, Class Separation, and Visualization, Todd J. Paciencia
Analysis of Heat Partitioning During Sliding Contact At High Speed and Pressure, Gracie Y. Paek-Spidell
A Method to Develop Neck Injury Criteria to Aid Design and Test of Escape Systems Incorporating Helmet Mounted Displays, Jeffrey C. Parr
Approximate Dynamic Programming for Military Resource Allocation, Carl R. Parson
Advances in SCA and RF-DNA Fingerprinting Through Enhanced Linear Regression Attacks and Application of Random Forest Classifiers, Hiren J. Patel
Scalable System Design for Covert MIMO Communications, Jason R. Pennington
Enhanced Polarimetric Radar Imaging Using Cross-Channel Coupling Constraints, Andrea E. Perhai
Cloud Computing Implementation Organizational Success in the Department of Defense, Corey J. Perkins
An Analysis of Stability Properties in Earned Value Management’s Cost Performance Index and Earned Schedule’s Schedule Performance Index, Jacob L. Petter
Simulation Platform for Vision Aided Inertial Navigation, Jason Png