Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Optimal Orbit Insertion Strategies Using Combined High and Low Thrust Propulsion Systems, Darren W. Johnson
Evaluation of the Natural Biodegradation of Aircraft Deicing Fluid Components in Soils, Laura M. Johnson
The Virtual Spaceplane: Integrating Multiple Motion Models and Hypertext in a Virtual Environment, Troy Johnson
Micro-Electromechanical Switches for Micro-Satellite Power Transfer, Glen A. Kading
Development of the Base Support Plan Process Model for Evaluation of Proposed Process Improvement Initiatives, Daniel T. Kalosky and Patrick G. Walker
Mobilization of Trace Elements in Aquifers by Biodegradation of Hydrocarbon Contaminants, Scott L. Kearney
Automatic Digital Processing for Calibration Data of Open Skies Treaty Sensors, Donna D. Keating
A Qualitative Analysis of the Elements Required for the Successful Implementation of the 'Rolling Down-Select Strategy', Brent A. Kelly
A CERCLA-Based Decision Model to Support Remedy Selection for an Uncertain Volume of Contaminants at a DOE Facility, Christine E. Kerschus
Alternative Implementations of Expanding Algorithm for Multi-Commodity Spatial Price Equilibrium, Yu-Shen Ke
A Modeling and Simulation Approach to Characterize Network Layer Internet Survivability, Leif S. King
Economic Analysis for an F-22 Organic vs. Contractor Aircraft Battle Damage Repair Ownership Decision, John A. Kitchens
Self-Assembly of Microstructures, Paul E. Kladitis
Get Your Hands Out of My Drawers: A Survey of Information Ownership and Stewardship at the Air Force Institute of Technology, Keith E. Kolekofski Jr.
USAF Pilot Perceptions of Workload Assessment in a Combat or High-Threat Environment, Kadircan Kottas
Analytic Transfer Function of the Forward Propagation of Diffuse Photon Density Waves in Turbid Media with an Embedded Spherical Inhomogeneity, Deborah L. Lasocki
An Investigation of the Relationship between Perception Levels of Prime Beef Training and Readiness Task Confidence, D. Wade Lawrence
Transportation Modeling of Remote Radar Sites and Support Depots, Sonia E. Leach
Evaluation and Application of Space Telescope Aberration Sensing Using Phase Diversity, David J. Lee
User Location Determination Strategy in a Low Earth Orbit Satellite Network, Jaehee Lee
A Mammographic Registration Method Based on Optical Flow and Multiresolution Computing, Kevin A. Lee
An Analysis of Early Software Reliability Improvement Techniques, John G. Leonard and Ric K. Nordgren
Requirements, Design and Prototype of a Virtual User Interface for the AFIT Virtual Spaceplane, John M. Lewis
A System Dynamics Investigation of Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors Influencing Solid Waste Reduction, Louis E. Lilley