Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Stochastic Modeling-Based DGPS Estimation Algorithm, James T. Broaddus
Using RSM, DOE, and Linear Regression to Develop a Metamodel to Predict Cargo Delivery of a Time Phase Force Deployment Document, Kenneth S. Browne
Generating Executable Persistent Data Storage/Retrieval Code from Object-Oriented Specifications, Steven R. Buckwalter
Hierarchical Interactive Theater Model (HITM): An Investigation into the Relationship between Strategic Effects and OODA Loops, Richard K. Bullock
A Decision Support Tool to Aid Campaign Planners in Selecting Combat Aircraft for Theater Crisis, Christopher D. Buzo
A Tabu Search for Scheduling and Rescheduling Combat Aircraft, Kevin M. Calhoun
Extensible Markup Language as a Weather Tool, Michael J. Calidonna
A Tabu Search Metaheuristic for the Air Refueling Tanker Assignment Problem, Shay R. Capehart
Factors Affecting Perceptions of Ethics within Organizations: A Case Study of Organizations within Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC), David W. Carlson
Development of a Real Time Guidance System for a Kinematic Test Vehicle, Orhan Cekic
Investigation of Laser Beam Combining and Cleanup via Seeded Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Multimode Optical Fibers, Bryan J. Choi
A Neural Network Solution to Predicting Wind Speed at Cape Canaveral’s Atlas Launch Pad, Kenneth P. Cloys
Use of Climatology to Predict Maximum Wind Speeds at the Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Air Station, Lisa K. Coleman
Comparative Analysis of Mobility Management Schemes in a Low Earth Orbit Satellite Network, Stephen R. Conkling
Design and Validation of an Accurate GPS Signal and Receiver Truth Model for Comparing Advanced receiver Processing Techniques, Phillip Martin Corbell
An Object-Oriented Repository-based Software Synthesis System, Gary L. Cornn Jr.
Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics for the Compensation of Amplitude and Phase Distortions, Peter N. Crabtree
Modeling Piezoceramic Twist Actuation in Single-Cell Anisotropic Torque Box of Low-Observable UAV Wing, Peter Cseke Jr.
An Analysis of the Effectiveness of a Constructive Induction-Based Virus Detection Prototype, Kevin T. Damp
A 3D Display System for Lightning Detection and Ranging (LDAR) Data, Michael W. Darwin
Linking Engineer Career Orientation and Human Resource Management Practices: Does Fit Affect Retention?, Cynthia M. Davis
Navigation of Satellite Clusters, Jeffrey S. Davis
An Incentive Model for International Telecommunications, Jeffrey R. Del Vecchio
An Evaluation of Microburst Prediction Indices for the Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Air Station (KSC/CCAS), Steven N. Dickerson
Quantifying the Protonospheric Effect on PRISM, Kelly B. Doser