Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Development of a Simplified Sustainable Facilities Guide, David F. Hargy
Spacecraft Charging at Geosynchronous Altitudes: Current Balance and Critical Temperature in a Non-Maxwellian Plasma, Jose T. Harris
Analysis of Scheduling Policies for a M/G/I Queue with Rework, Jennifer Hendrixson
Evaluating the Performance of Multiple Classifier Systems: A Matrix Algebra Representation of Boolean Fusion Rules, Justin M. Hill
Using Neural Networks for Estimating Cruise Missile Reliability, Donald L. Hoffman
An Analysis of the Implementation of Acquisition Reform Initiatives and Contract Cost Variance, Mark A. Holbrook
Broadening and Shifting of Atomic Strontium and Diatomic Bismuth Spectral Lines, Jeremy C. Holtgrave
Stochastic Intra-Cellular Modeling, Thomas E. Hopkins
Multiple Case Comparison of the In-Transit Visibility Business Process, Michael L. Horsey
The Effects of Perceived Overqualification on Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover: A Study of AFIT Graduates, Thomas E. Hoskins
The Effect of a Hard Coating on the Damping and Fatigue Life of Titanium, Frank T. Ivancic
Planning Coverage of Points of Interest via Multiple Imaging Surveillance Assets: A Multi-Model Approach, Sarah E. Jackson
An Analysis of Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity among Air Force Information Management Professionals, Michele E. Johnson
An International Study of Organizational Change: A Simultaneous Analysis of Process, Context, and Individual Attributes, Hee-Hyung Jung
A Communications Modeling System for Swarm-Based Sensors, Brian A. Kadrovach
Multimission Aircraft Design Study, Payload, Ahmet Kahraman
Use of Multivariate Techniques to Validate and Improved the Current USAF Pilot Candidate Selection Model, Ross A. Keener
An Analysis of Multiple Layered Networks, Kevin T. Kennedy
Developing Cost per Flying Hour Factors for the Operations and Maintenance Phase of the Satellite Life Cycle, Anthony K. Kimbrough
A Study of the Efficacy of Unit Contingency Contracting Training, Jesse A. Kirstein
Optimizing an in Situ Bioremediation Technology to Manage Perchlorate-Contaminated Groundwater, Mark R. Knarr
Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Effective Range and Data Throughput for Unmodified Bluetooth Communication Devices, Timothy F. Kneeland
Determining the Value of Automation in Commercial and USAF Supplier Evaluation Systems, Michael E. Knipper
Perceptions vs Reality: A Longitudinal Experiment in Influence Judgment Performance, Monti L. Knode