Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
The Kinetics Following Photolysis of Nitrosyl Bromide, Lori A. Mahoney
Detached Eddy Simulation Analysis of Pak-B Low Pressure Turbine Blade, Kyle Malone
Automating Security Protocol Analysis, Stephen W. Mancini
Aerobic Biodegradation of Alternative Fuel Oxygenates in Unsaturated Soil Columns, Kevin A. Mares
Thin Film Encapsulation of Radio Frequency (RF) Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Switches, Eric D. Marsh
A Cost Analysis of the Military Retirement System, Kyle R. Martin
A Study of Course Design Factors that Influence E-Learning Course Completion Rates, Edward A. Mathews
A Performance Evaluation of a Lean Reparable Pipeline in Various Demand Environments, Melvin E. Maxwell Jr.
Reusable Space Vehicle Ground Operations Baseline Conceptual Model, Dennis R. Maynard and Patricia Pettit
Estimating Cost Growth in Engineering and Schedule Cost Categories Using a Two-Pronged Regression Approach, Chris J. McDaniel
Shock Tube Investigation of Pressure and Ion Sensors Used in Pulse Detonation Engine Research, Robert J. McMillan
Investigation of Atmospheric Reentry for the Space Maneuver Vehicle, Dennis J. McNabb
Evolution of Control Programs for a Swarm of Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Kevin M. Milam
Outside Loop Control in Asymmetrical Trimmed Flight Conditions, Gary D. Miller
Verification of the Mountain Wave Forecast Model's Stratospheric Turbulence Forecasts Using Sounding Data and Pilot Reports, Scott M. Miller
Quantifying Initial Condition and Parametric Uncertainties in a Nonlinear Aeroelastic System with an Efficient Stochastic Algorithm, Daniel R. Millman
Microprocessor-Based Systems Control for the Rigidized Inflatable Get-Away-Special Experiment, David C. Moody
Decision Analysis with Value Focused Thinking as a Methodology to Assess Air Force Officer Retention Alternatives, Sang-Ho Moon
An Evaluation of Vegetated Roofing Technology: Application at Air Force Plant Four, Building 15, Benjamin J. Morgan
Analysis of Uncertainties in Infrared Camera Measurements of a Turbofan Engine in an Altitude Test Cell, Thomas A. Morris
Cross Range Smear Characterization in Xpatch ISAR Images, Peter E. Muend
Prepositioned Trailers for Aircraft Battle Damage Support, Scott M. Murray
Establishing a Foundation to Capture the Cost of Oversight for a Major Defense Program within the Information Technology (IT) Acquisition Community, Monroe Neal Jr.
Infrared Methods for Daylight Acquisition of LEO Satellites, Joel E. Nelson
A Tightly-Coupled INS/GPS Integration Using a MEMS IMU, Jonathan M. Neu