Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Estimating Equatorial F-Region Daytime Vertical E X B Drift Velocities from Ground-Based Magnetometer Measurements in the Philippine Longitude Sector, Shauna M. Kinkela
Analysis of Air Force Compliance with Executive Order 13149, John C. Kirkwood
Optimization of Heterogeneous UAV Communications Using the Multiobjective Quadratic Assignment Problem, Mark P. Kleeman
Establishing a Framework for the Oversight of Major Defense Acquisition Programs - A Historical Analysis, Diane I. K. Kuderik
An Unfolding Model of Voluntary Turnover of Air Force Reservists and Air National Guard Members, Jennifer C. Kulick
Comparative Analysis of Active and Passive Mapping Techniques in an Internet-Based Local Area Network, James B. Kuntzelman
Controlling the Primary Mirror in a Space-Based Telescope Utilizing an Eigenstructure Assignment Technique, Kim Kyongsoo
Performance Based Service Acquisition (PBSA): a Dynamic Look at PBSA in the Air Force, Fred J. Lacey IV
Analysis and Forecasting of Air Force Operating and Support Cost for Rotary Aircraft, Matthew E. Laubacher
Concurrent Cognitive Mapping and Localization Using Expectation Maximization, Kennard R. Laviers
An Investigation of the Effects of Correlation, Autocorrelation, and Sample Size in Classifier Fusion, Nathan J. Leap
Effects of Variable Contact Load on Fretting Fatigue Behavior of Shot-peened and Un-peened Titanium Alloy, Chia-Hawa Lee
Swarm Based Implementation of a Virtual Distributed Database System in a Sensor Network, Wen C. Lee
Feasibility of Using Classification Analyses to Determine Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification, Jonathan W. Leffler
Design and Model Verification of an Infrared Chromotomographic Imaging System, Daniel A. LeMaster
Air Force Materiel Command: A Survey of Performance Measures, Marcia Leonard
Forecasting Advective Sea Fog with the Use of Classification and Regression Tree Analyses for Kunsan Air Base, Danielle M. Lewis
Fretting Fatigue Behavior of the Titanium Alloy Ti-6AL-4V under Seawater Conditions, Lewis C. Lietch
Evaluation of Current Automated Civil Engineer System Non-Appropriated Funds Project Programming Procedures, Joshua C. Ligday
Characterization and Ground Test of an Inflatable Rigidizable Space Experiment, Steven N. Lindemuth
Creating Cost Growth Models for the Engineering and Manufacturing Development Phase of Acquisition Using Logistic and Multiple Regression, Brandon M. Lucas
A Statistically-Based Method for Predicting Fog and Stratus Dissipation, Louis L. Lussier III
Axisymmetric Optical Membrane Modeling Based on Experimental Results, Brian J. Lutz