Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Dust Storm Forecasting for Al Udeid AB, Qatar: An Empirical Analysis, Kevin S. Bartlett
Automated Agent Ontology Creation for Distributed Databases, Austin A. Bartolo
Government Venture Capital: a Case Study of the In-Q-Tel Model, Michael E. Belko
An Automated Method of Predicting Clear-Air Turbulence, Brian L. Belson
Cross-Service Investigation of Geographical Information Systems, Matthew H. Beverly
An Analysis of the Performance and Security of J2SDK 1.4 JSSE Implementation of SSL/TLS, Danny R. Bias
Consistency Results for the ROC Curves of Fused Classifiers, Kristopher S. Bjerkaas
Flow Around an Object Projected from a Cavity into a Supersonic Freestream, Scott T. Bjorge
The Evaluation of the Damping Characteristics of a Hard Coating on Titanium, Christopher M. Blackwell
A Decision Support Tool For Thrift Savings Plan Investors, Christopher J. Blanchette
Geolocation of an Audio Source in a Multipath Environment Using Time-of-Arrival, Jeffrey A. Boggs
Low Temperature Hall Measurements of Neutron Irradiated Silicon Carbide, Angelo M. Bonavita
Characterization of Microbial Processes that Degrade Chlorinated Solvents in a Constructed Wetland Using Organic Acid and Inorganic Anion Concentration Profiles, Chad B. BonDurant
Excited States of Silicon Carbide Clusters by Time Dependent Density Functional Theory, John E. Boyd
Using Value-Focused Thinking to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Air Force Utility Privatization, Carlos Braziel
Optimal Design of Generalized Multiple Model Adaptive Controllers, Thomas E. Brehm
Performance Study of Two-Stage-To-Orbit Reusable Launch Vehicle Propulsion Alternatives, Marc A. Brock
Active Duty Military Deployments: a Respite from Job Stressors and Burnout for Air Force Acquisition Support Personnel, Tonya J. Bronson
Atmospheric Simulation Using a Liquid Crystal Wavefront Controlling Device, Matthew R. Brooks
Forward Looking Radar: Interference Modelling, Characterization, and Suppression, James T. Caldwell
Coplanar Air Launch with Gravity-Turn Launch Trajectories, David W. Callaway
Verification of Meteorological Data Reports from the RQ-4A Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Steven M. Callis
Improving TCP Performance by Estimating Errors in a Long Delay, High Error Rate Environment, Stephanie E. Carroll
Intelligent Query Answering Through Rule Learning and Generalization, James M. Carsten