"Key Issues in the Application of Knowledge Management in Education" by George A. Mendoza

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

Kevin L. Elder, PhD


Today's world is a fast moving place in which decisions are made with an ever-increasing speed, and the success of an organization rests on its ability to correctly make these decisions. This shift in paradigms has made knowledge the key resource as organizations shift their focus from natural resources to intellectual assets, heralding the use of a concept called Knowledge Management (KM). Despite its acceptance and use in commercial organizations, KM is not being applied in the academic world. No KM models exist for educational use, and no other studies into this topic can be found. This research establishes a foundation for future research by answering the question "What does current literature identify as the key issues in the application of KM concepts in education?" Forty-eight key issues were uncovered, each with varying levels of emphasis. Further research is required to better define these 48 issues, and to discover the cause of this educational issue gap. The key issues discovered here also can be used to build and test an actual KM model for application in an educational environment.

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