Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Analysis and Simulation of Hypervelocity Gouging Impacts, John D. Cinnamon
Characteristics of Two-Dimensional Triangular and Three-Dimensional Face-Centered-Cubic Photonic Crystals, Jeffery D. Clark
Analysis of Bacterial Population and Distribution in the Developing Strata of a Constructed Wetland Used for Chlorinated Ethene Bioremediation, Milton J. Clausen Jr.
Cost as an Independent Variable: A Study of its Continued Use by Aeronautical Systems Center's Programs and their Contractors to Set and Maintain Cost Objectives, Kevin W. Codrington
Development of a Low-Latency, High Data Rate, Differential GPS Relative Positioning System for UAV Formation Flight Control, Stephen J. Comstock
Improving Maintenance Data Collection via Point-of-Maintenance (POMX) Implementation, William D. Cone
Estimating Required Contingency Funds for Construction Projects using Multiple Linear Regression, Jason J. Cook
Characterizing the Impact of Precision Time and Range Measurements from Two-Way Time Transfer Systems on Network Differential GPS Position Solutions, Kendra L. B. Cook
Adaptive Illumination Patterns for Radar Applications, Phillip M. Corbell
Development of In-Plane Surface Deformation Sensing for Thin Film PVDF Actuated Membrane Mirrors, John J. Cornelius
Contemplating a New Model for Air Force Aerospace Medical Technician Skills Sustainment Training, Robert M. Corrigan
Performance-Metric Driven Atmospheric Compensation for Robust Free-Space Laser Communication, Peter N. Crabtree
Optimal Geometric Deployment of a Ground Based Pseudolite Navigation System to Track a Landing Aircraft, Matthew P. Crawford
Robot Localization Using Visual Image Mapping, Carrie D. Crews
Exploiting Semi-Directional Transceivers for Localization in Communication Systems, Andrew S. Crockford
Data Analysis and its Impact on Predicting Schedule & Cost Risk, Steven M. Cross
Development of an Evaluation Methodology for hazardous Waste Training Programs, Ryan A. Crowley
The Impact of the Defense Industry Consolidation on the Aerospace Industry, Judy B. Davis
Corporate Entrepreneurship Assessment Instrument (CEAI): Systematic Validation of a Measure, Tassika M. Davis
Vacuum Chamber Construction and Contamination Study of a Micro Pulsed Plasma Thruster, Jacob H. Debevec
Particle Image Velocimetry Using a Novel, Non-Intrusive Particle Seeding, Charles J. DeLapp II
Power-Scavenging MEMS Robots, Daniel J. Denninghoff
A Wind Tunnel Investigation of Joined Wing Scissor Morphing, Christopher C. Dike
Design, Build and Validation of a Small-Scale Combustion Chamber Testing Facility, Eric R. Dittman
Integrated Conceptual Design of Joined-Wing Sensor Craft Using Response Surface Models, Josh E. Dittmar