"An Expert System for the Civil Engineering In-Service Work Plan" by Philip W. Melancon

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

First Advisor

James R. Holt, PhD


Civil Engineering managers make many decisions each day which could be aided using expert system technology. One of the most important decision processes affecting CE operations is the scheduling of work order to be accomplished each month. A good work order schedule, or In-Service Work Plan (IWP), can ensure that material and manpower resources are fully utilized, that base facilities are properly maintained, and that customers are satisfied. The purpose of this research was to build and test a PC-based prototype expert system to schedule the IWP. Expanding on previous research, a multiplicative weighting technique was developed to provide relative scores for each work order awaiting scheduling. Factors used in assigning scores include work order priority, command interest, weather dependency, bottleneck shop availability, and work site availability. The expert system then scheduled work orders against available shop hours, attempting to scheduled the work orders with the highest scores first.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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