Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

First Advisor

Paul I. King, PhD


The AFIT linear Turbine Cascade Test Facility was used to study the effect of the small changes in the angle of incidence on turbine blade convective heat transfer. Other parameters studied were the model Reynolds number and the freestream turbulence level. Characterization tests, performed to determine the feasibility of the study were followed by a series of tests designed to separate the effects of the angle of incidence, Reynolds number, and freestream turbulence level on convective heat transfer. For any given freestream turbulence level or angle of incidence, there is an increase in the heat transfer coefficient for an increase in the Reynolds number. For the low freestream turbulence (0.5%) configuration at a given Reynolds number, there is a decrease in the convective heat transfer coefficient with an increase in the angle of incidence, partially a result of the decrease in the cascade passage velocity and partially a result of the variation in boundary layer behavior. For the high freestream turbulence configuration (10%) at any Reynolds number, there is an obvious increase in the convective heat transfer coefficient over that for the low turbulence configuration; however, the transitional or fully turbulent boundary layer makes it difficult to observe any relation between the convective heat transfer coefficient and the angle of incidence.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



The author's Vita page is omitted.

Meschwitz_298.pdf (109 kB)
SF298 for AFIT-GAE-ENY-91D-6
