Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

Dennis C. Dietz, PhD


This study investigated the endurance of a single deployed generic mobile space (GMS) command and control (C2) system. Specifically, factors which affect overall system performance were examined. The analysis began with the development of a simulation model for a GMS C2 system. Optimal settings of factor levels were determined by using the model to find peak system endurance and availability. Factors set were field support vehicle (FSV) access, numbers of maintenance personnel, and numbers of spare components available. After optimum values were chosen for these factors, an experimental design was conducted to determine factor effect between maintenance manpower and the component failure and repair rates. It was determined that access to the FSV increases system endurance by 6.1 percent. Increasing maintenance manpower does not significantly affect system availability. Eight components, most in the communications subsystems, were identified for increased spares levels which could increase system endurance by an additional 2.8 percent. Of all factors and combination of factors considered in the experimental design, only the rate of component failures significantly affected system performance.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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