Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

First Advisor

Terence H. Berle, Colonel (Ret.), USAF

Second Advisor

John Scott, Major, USAF


The study investigated the process of USAF unit level mobilization for movement within a theater of operations. Virtually all of the guidance and organization for unit level mobilization within the USAF is focused on inter- theater movement. Consequently, while the need for theater mobility is real, USAF units may not be well grounded in the procedures and techniques necessary to move successfully. The purpose of the study was to describe the essential process of unit level mobilization and determine the differences from inter- theater mobilizations. In addition, the available tools for accomplishing the tasks of mobilization within a theater of operations were investigated. The literature review established the need for theater mobility and showed that intratheater mobilization occurs under more restrictive conditions. The methodology developed a basic process model of unit mobilization actions. The model was built on seven essential task areas: identification of requirements, prioritization and sequencing, physical preparation, load planning, marshalling, and direction and control. The model was validated through a Delphi survey. USAF personnel active in mobility received questionnaires on the subject, and their responses served to achieve a consensus of expert opinion.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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