"An Analysis of Depot Maintenance Interservicing Source of Repair Selec" by Robert N. McGarry and Gregory K. Owens

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


This study revealed that although the Depot Maintenance Interservicing (DMI) study process has the potential for considerable savings in the Depot Source of Repair (DSOR) decision it has failed to do so. The DMI study process and the acquisition programs are well established. However, there are various incompatibilities between the two which interfere with the interaction between them and prevent a timely decision. We performed an examination of the DMI study process and its impact on six acquisition programs which have either undergone or are presently undergoing the study process. The results of personal interviews with program office and Joint Depot Maintenance Analysis Group (JDMAG) personnel are summarized to provide an in-depth view of these incompatibilities. We identified the causes and cures, and also made other observations about the DMI and acquisition process. We also made recommendations and suggestions for future research in this area.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



The authors' Vita pages are omitted.

Presented to the Faculty of the School of Systems and Logistics
