"Prioritizing Pollution Prevention Projects Using the Displaced Ideal M" by Scott W. McPherson and Debra J. Watts

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


This research developed a model to prioritize pollution prevention projects for the distribution of limited financial resources. This model was designed for use at the major command (MAJCOM) level. Each MAJCOM is allowed to select the attributes believed to be most appropriate for evaluating pollution prevention projects. The system also allows the flexibility for MAJCOMs to weight the attributes in accordance with requirements. The model uses "fuzzy logic" and the Displaced Ideal Model (DIM) to prioritize projects that currently do not have an imminent compliance deadline, but are important due to potential noncompliance with future regulations. These projects also are important because their completion demonstrates a commitment to good management practices that make better use of resources and otherwise enhance the environment. The model uses the "amount of information" given by the data to integrate and compare qualitative and quantitative criteria. The prioritization includes considering factors such as total project cost, health and safety considerations, and political sensitivity. The model also can be used to prioritize projects that are currently out of compliance (Level I) or projects that must meet an established deadline before it lapses into noncompliance (Level II).

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



Presented to the the Faculty of the School of Engineering of the Air Force Institute of Technology.

The authors' Vita pages are omitted.
