"Defining Success in Air Force Infrastructure Asset Management through " by Brendan J. Maestas

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering Management


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

John J. Elshaw, PhD.


Asset Management has a history of policy mandates within the US Government dating back to 1990’s. In order to accomplish these many directives, the Air Force Civil Engineer community has adopted a mindset and framework commonly referred to as Asset Management. Despite numerous references and guidance to establish Asset Management principles, the Air Force has not yet developed a clear and concise way to define or measure overarching success in Asset Management. This research effort focuses on closing the knowledge gap between issued policy and implementation. It examines Asset Management implementation efforts in other government agencies, private industries, and in various countries around the world. Combining this information with interviews from Subject Matter Experts at various levels of the Air Force Civil Engineering structure, this research identifies: current implementation limitations, key elements that constitute and promote success, barriers to success, military-unique opportunities for success, internal success identifiers, ways to promote continuous improvement, and the essential behaviors within Air Force Asset Management. Using this information and recommendations from the Air Force SMEs, suggestions are presented for measuring and incentivizing Asset Management success within an organization. Some of the major findings of this study were the need to develop both a clear definition of what asset management is and an official SAMP for the Air Force. Other findings of this research effort included: the importance of leadership buy-in; complete and accurate facility inventory; and understanding of asset management principles at all levels of the organization.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

