Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering Management


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

Diedrich Prigge V, PhD.


U.S. military personnel perform a wide array of roles and missions at locations all over the world. As such, this research investigates and describes the current process of cultural training, its adequacy, and examines how cultural differences and collaboration efforts may impede or enhance project management and engineering efforts. This qualitative analysis is conducted through a Delphi study of U.S. Air Force officers consisting of 15 subject matter experts (SMEs) with experiences from 13 different countries. All reported to have daily to weekly interactions with locals and foreign partners due to job requirements; however, no set standard of cultural training was found. Approximately one quarter of the panel received no cultural training. With exception of one, the remaining SMEs gave negative feedback as to the adequacy, applicability, and usefulness of their training they did receive. The research recommends implementing in-person training that covers the local culture; this will give the inbound military member an understanding of Host Nation work customs and accepted behaviors, basic phrases and mannerisms, and how to interact with foreign partners to achieve work goals. Furthermore, this research explores current project management practices in overseas military construction. No standardized practices were found; however, the research established a list of obstacles and challenges. The highest ranked issues reported were: differences in construction and safety practices, problems with the Host Nation customs office, and difficulties with security badging processes. The research found that these obstacles and challenges have caused delays and schedule changes; however, no standardized methods to track such data were identified.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

