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A primary component of graduate education at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) is the scholarly presentation of research results. In most programs graduates must submit a dissertation, thesis, or graduate research paper as the final step in fulfilling degree requirements. These documents make a statement about the student and the quality of the student’s research, the student’s department, and AFIT’s academic standards. Therefore, the purpose of this guide is to help students present their research results in a form that is acceptable to AFIT.

The student’s research committee will guide the intellectual content of a student’s research manuscript and may further specify certain aspects of style. This guide is intended to establish basic formatting requirements to ensure uniformity in the format and appearance of all manuscripts. Complying with the requirements listed in this guide will help students produce a research report in which they and AFIT can take pride, and it will help avoid format correction delays of the final submitted manuscript.

The Style Guide for AFIT Dissertations, Theses, and Graduate Research Papers (more simply referred to as the AFIT Style Guide) contains formatting, documentation, document marking, submission requirements, and other relevant guidance for students in AFIT’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management.


Revised edition issued June 2024.

Approved for public release. PA case number on file.
